Holiday Market at Avalon

NOV 22-JAN 3 Holiday Market at Avalon 400 Avalon Blvd. 11am-7pm, Monday-Wednesday 11am-8pm, Thursday-Saturday 12-6pm on Sunday Free Start a new holiday tradition by visiting Avalon’s first Holiday Market. Choose from a curated collection of goods from local artists and small businesses. Details:
Paint Pouring Workshop

NOV 14 Paint Pouring Workshop 238 Canton St. 12-2pm $80 Alpharetta residents $120 non-residents Unleash your inner abstract artist through this unique fluid-painting method. Tools, flow medium and a canvas board will be provided. Details:
Let it Snow!

DEC 4-18 Snow in Downtown Alpharetta Village Green by Alpharetta City Hall 6-7pm Free Let it snow! Downtown Alpharetta will be experiencing planned snow flurries for the first three Fridays in December. Details:
Friends of the Alpharetta Library Book Sale

DEC 5 Friends of the Alpharetta Library Book Sale 10 Park Plaza 10am-4pm Free Browse a wide variety of books in every genre, including books on tape and rare editions. Details:
It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play

DEC 4-20 It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play 180 Academy St. 8pm on Friday & Saturday, 2pm on Sunday TBD Enjoy a new spin on a holiday classic performed as a 1940s live radio broadcast. Details:
Build a Gingerbread House

Get your kids in the holiday spirit with gingerbread house classes from. This demonstration- style class, for you and up to three children, shows decoration techniques to create your own frosting-covered wonderland. Materials will be provided, with multiple dates available. Details: 4305 State Bridge Rd.,
Family Fun on the Rink

Start a new family tradition at Avalon on Ice. Inspired by New York’s Rockefeller Center, this giant ice skating rink will sit in the middle of Avalon and be open daily from November 22 through January 18. Social distancing measures and safety precautions will be in place. Details: 400 Avalon Blvd.
Library Programs Live at Home

Check out Fulton County Library’s virtual programs while the branches are closed. Events include Streaming Storytime for kids on Facebook every weekday, cooking and DIY classes for adults, and Teen Book Talk via Instagram Live every Friday. Details:
Gymnastics Recess Camp

Let little ones burn off some energy at Gymnastics Fun-Cational Recess Camps. Sessions are held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Choose how many days a week your child attends and how often. Ages 4-11. Details: Alpharetta Community Center, 175 Roswell St.
All Children Welcome at this Playground

A new inclusive playground has been installed at Alpharetta Elementary School with a wheelchair adapted swing, as well as sensory environments and other improvements for children with disabilities. An agreement with the city has been made to allow the playground to be for public use at 4 p.m. weekdays and all through the weekend. Details: 192 Mayfield Rd.