Tree Lighting on the Square
DEC. 5 Tree Lighting on the Square Downtown Decatur 6pm Free Chime in at this annual tradition set with holiday carols, hot cocoa and a tree lighting by Santa himself.
Santa on the Square

OCT. 30 Santa on the Square 308 Clairemont Ave. 4-7pm Free Taste locally grown teas, handmade cookies and other treats. Dress up to claim a prize at the info booth!
Mad Hatter Tea Party
OCT. 30 Mad Hatter Tea Party 308 Clairemont Ave. 4-7pm Free Taste locally grown teas, handmade cookies and other treats. Dress up to claim a prize at the info booth!
Day of the Dead/Haints and Saints Parade

OCT. 27 Day of the Dead/Haints and Saints Parade Decatur Cemetery 6-8pm Free Line the streets of downtown Decatur, dress in your best and most beautiful costumes and enjoy an exciting evening celebrating community and Hispanic heritage.
Apple Fest
OCT. 26 Apple Fest 630 East Lake Dr. 9am-1pm Free Returning for its third year in a row, head out for this family-friendly celebration of one of Georgia’s most abundant fruits. There will be activities for kids of all ages including a cider press, free samples, scavenger hunt and more.