OCT. 19
Spirits & Spice Festival
Downtown Newnan
Get spooky walking the Downtown Spirits Trail, tasting numerous types of chilis at the Chili Cook-Off and enjoying the Twisted Trolley Tour ride, live music, a craft market and activities for the kids.
OCT. 3
Tracy Enerson Wood: Edgar B. Hollis Distinguished Author Series
Newnan Carnegie Library
Hear from the international bestselling author Tracy Enerson Wood as she discusses her new book, Katharine, the Wright Sister. Registration is required.
SEPT. 20
Fall Art Walk
Downtown Newnan
Stroll through over 25 locations and see the work of 40+ artists where you’ll be inspired by a wide variety of art styles and mediums.
AUG. 30 – SEPT. 2
Labor Day Sidewalk Sale
Downtown Newnan
All day
Enjoy this annual tradition where shoppers peruse the downtown streets of Newnan and shop the best deals of the year.
AUG. 31
Sunrise on the Square Road Race 5K
Downtown Newnan
Prices vary
Lace up and stride through “The City of Homes,” where runners will glimpse beautiful, historic in-town neighborhoods. All skill levels welcome! Register now.
AUG. 8
Summer NewnaNIGHTS!
Greenville Street Park
Enjoy family-friendly music and entertainment at the park filled with various festivities, food trucks and vendor/sponsor booths.